Université populaire albanaise – UPA

The Université populaire albanaise (Popular Albanian University – UPA) is a:

  • place for learning, open to all nationalities, with language and computer science classes, and a help service that provides assistance with homework assignments
  • place for meeting others, allowing artists, writers, film directors and others with an Albanian cultural heritage to make contacts and get their work known; a place for learning, with its documentation center, library, and themed evening events; and finally a place to find help with integrating society and dealing with administrative procedures and paperwork, with its socio-professional staff enabling unemployed persons who have exhausted their benefits to find employment
  • extracurricularly, the university engages in local outreach through targeted campaigns for preventing spousal violence, for example, or emphasizing the importance of education and occupational training, or by organizing language classes for women in the communes of Versoix, Acacias, and Les Libellules
  • childcare space during school hours (9 months min.)

Price: starting at 60.- FCH per quarter + 40.-FCH for the yearly subscription

To take one of our classes, you must obtain a voucher from the HG learning center

Université populaire albanaise – UPA

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