Université populaire du canton de Genève – UPCGe

Phone: 022 339 05 00
Website: www.upcge.ch
Adresse: Rue du Vuache 23 1201 Genève Genève

The Université populaire du Canton de Genève (the Popular University of the Canton of Geneva – UPGe) is a night school offering courses for adults at a variety of levels, including classes in French (literacy, writing French, traditional French), foreign languages, and general knowledge. Our literacy courses are aimed at non-French speakers who have had little or no formal schooling. UPCGe’s mission is to offer teaching that is accessible to everyone in terms of educational level and financial means. Thanks to the emphasis placed on teaching French, UPCGe also aims to make the integration of non-French Speakers easier.

Price: 50.- FCH membership fee/school year +50.- FCH per course and per semester


To take one of our classes, you must obtain a voucher from the HG learning center

Université populaire du canton de Genève – UPCGe

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