Appartenances – Genève (Belong – Geneva) is a not-for-profit association developing specific therapeutic approaches along with prevention programs and educational and research initiatives in the sphere of immigrants’ mental health.
Our activities:
- individual or family psychological or psychiatric consultations that take into account the specific realities of immigration, cultural representations, and questions of trauma with regard to immigrant patients with or without interpreters for native speakers of languages other than French
- training for professionals involved in the specific programs linked to immigration and/or traumatic experiences; research in these fields and participation in training programs, network meetings, and conferences on these themes
- “Enceinte à Genève” (Pregnant in Geneva): classes for non-French-speaking women who are expecting. These classes are led by midwives and cultural-mediators/interpreters
- prevention initiatives for “listen, talk and bond spaces” in neighborhoods that face numerous socioeconomic and psychosocial problems as well as a high rate of diversity
- defense on the cantonal and national level of the right of immigrants to have a community interpreter present during medical visits and in particular consultations with psychologists or psychiatrists