Institution genevoise de maintien à domicile (IMAD)

During the first year of a child’s life, the Imad runs a free 2-hour helpline in all neighbourhoods, which allows parents to monitor the health of their children.

The Imad is present in the following neighborhoods  : Onex, Carouge, Champel, Chênes-Bougeries, Eaux-Vives, Grand-Saconnex, Grottes, Jonction, Lancy, Meyrin, Onex, Pâquis, Plainpalais/Acacias ; Plan-les-Ouates, Saint-Jean/Charmilles, Satigny, Servette/Petit-Saconnex, Vernier, Versoix, Vésenaz, Veyrier.

Institution genevoise de maintien à domicile (IMAD)